Collection: Best Sellers Per State

Coming Soon!

We have been getting a lot of questions of best sellers but considering fishing is varies from state to state, sometimes even counties, we wanted to share our best sellers per state. This can give you an idea what has been working in your area. I hope this helps!

Alabama - Not Available

Alaska - 2.5" Slasher Red

Arizona - 1.5" Rainbow Trout & Brown Trout

Arkansas - 1.5" Slasher Red

California - 1.5" Slasher Red, Striper Red, Rainbow Trout

Colorado - 1.5" Brown Trout, Slasher Red, Rainbow Trout

Connecticut - 1.5" Navigation Green, Dotter

Delaware - Not Available

Florida - 1.5" Nickel, 2.5" Shoppy Sherbert

Georgia - 1.5" Brown Trout, Slasher Red

Hawaii - 2.5" Blue Slasher

Idaho - 1.5" Slasher Red, Brown Trout, Dotter

Illinois - 1.5" Striper 

Indiana - 2.5" Shoppy Sherbert, Slasher Red

Iowa - 1.5" Slasher Red, Striper

Kansas - 1.5" Brown Trout, Nickel

Kentucky - 1.5" Brass, Nickel

Louisiana - 2.5" Striper Red

Maine - 1.5" Brown Trout, Slasher Red

Maryland - 1.5" Brown Trout, Slasher Red

Massachusetts - 1.5' Slasher Red, Rainbow Trout

Michigan - 1.5" Brown Trout, Shoppy Sherbert

Minnesota - 1.5" Nickel, 2.5" Slasher Red

Mississippi - Not Available

Missouri - 1.5" Brown Trout, Nickel

Montana - 1.5" Brown Trout, Brass

Nebraska - 1.5" Slasher Red

Nevada - 1.5" Slasher, 2.5" Striper Red

New Hampshire - 1.5" Brown Trout

New Jersey - 1.5" Striper Red, 2.5" Slasher Red

New Mexico - 1.5" Nickel, Rainbow Trout

New York - 1.5" Slasher Red, Brown Trout

North Carolina - 2.5" Striper Blue, Striper Red

North Dakota - 2.5" Striper Red, Striper Blue

Ohio - 1.5" Slasher Red

Oklahoma - 1.5" Brown Trout

Oregon - 2.5" Slasher Red

Pennsylvania - 1.5" Brown Trout

Rhode Island - 1.5" Dotter

South Carolina - 2.5" Striper Red

South Dakota - Not Available

Tennessee - 1.5" Dotter

Texas - 1.5" Brown Trout

Utah - 1.5" Brown Trout

Vermont - 2.5" Slasher Red

Virginia - 1.5" Nickel

Washington - 1.5" Slasher Red, Striper Red

West Virginia - Not Available

Wisconsin - 2.5" Striper Red

Wyoming - 1.5" Slasher Red